Magdalene Mysteries - The Left-Hand Path of the Feminine Chris - Book Study

The energy of Mary Magdalene is very strong right now as she supports the evolution of our planet through the Divine Sophia energy to bring back the core teachings of Yeshua to assist in healing our beautiful world. This book study is designed to deepen your journey to be of service at this time.
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About This Product:

Book Study

12 Weeks on Zoom 

Tuesday October 18, 2024 to Dec 17, 2024

10:30 - Noon or 6:30-8 PM MST

You are required to purchase the book which is available in paperback and also on Kindle prior to the class.  

Note - if you have participated in a past book study contact me for a discount code.    


The energy of Mary Magdalene is calling to many and is very strong on the planet today as we move more into the time of clearing the old patriarchal structures that are intensifying almost daily. This energy is beckoning to both women and men as this call is getting stronger. It is a time on the planet where much is needed from those who are here to hold the space for the shift of consciousness that is occurring.

If you are feeling drawn to the massive emergence of this energy, then it is likely you are part of what is surfacing on the planet and sensing that there is more for you to do.  Magdalenes have been here supporting the evolution of humanity for longer than you can imagine.  We are in a time on the planet where the old energies are being cleared in order for humanity to move to a higher vibration.   If the energy of the Essenes and the Cathars has been whispering to you, perhaps it is time to dive a little deeper into the mysteries of what Mary Magdalene embodied during the time of Yeshua.

It is about rediscovering and honoring the divine feminine inside each of us that is being called forward at a time on the planet when it is critical that we hold the energy of loving kindness that was a cornerstone of the teachings of Jesus.  It is also about connecting into the imbalance on the planet between the masculine and feminine and looking at what is needed to restore the natural balance between that.  

I believe it is massively important that we gather and connect with others who are drawn to this assignment.   Many are feeling a call to step up.  And many are having to surrender even more deeply to the knowing that we agreed to be here at this time as part of the great awakening, yet often not knowing or sensing what is ours to do.  What is important and something we can all do is to surrender to the unknown, taking the time to clear our own "house" as much as possible.  

While on the surface this is a book study with a structure and a concrete plan it is much more than that.   It is an opportunity to connect to others on this path in a very intimate environment, sharing our personal journeys as part of the deepening of the divine feminine within us.  The group is intentionally kept small, designed for intimacy and the ability to connect deeply with like-minded souls. 

I have been exploring the Magdalene energy since 2005 when a book "Anna, Grandmother of Jesus" beckoned.    It was a message that seemed impossible to ignore.  Since that opening there was a deepening of the call until in 2018 she took a group on Pilgrimage to France to explore the sacred sites where Mary Magdalene went following the cruxifiction.  That was followed by three more pilgrimages each of which opened participants in very unique ways.   

Not everyone can take that physical pilgrimage in France, yet many are called to anchor and deepen their connection to the divine Sophia wisdom, bringing that consciousness to their personal environment rippling out to those around them.   


From the Publisher:

Discover the Womb Rites and initiatory magic of Mary Magdalene, who was revered as a Priestess and human embodiment of the Goddess.

• Reveals how Mary Magdalene was a sacred priestess of the ancient Womb Mysteries, connected to moon wisdom, sacred harlot archetypes, and goddesses in many traditions, including Sophia, Isis, Inanna, Asherah, Lilith, Jezebel, and Witches.

• Explains how the Magdalene Mysteries have been encoded in Gnostic texts, sacred art, and literature and unveils the secret Grail heresy of the Ghent Altarpiece.

• Offers rituals and practices to initiate you into the Womb magic of the ancient priestesses and access deeper dimensions of sexuality and feminine power

A sacred priestess of the ancient Womb Rites, Mary Magdalene was at the center of a great and enduring Mystery tradition, one that touched on a stream of perennial spiritual wisdom as old as humanity. Worshipped as the human embodiment of the Goddess, the earthly Sophia, her womb was the spiritual luminatrix that anointed and empowered Jesus, transforming him into the Christ. As a priestess of the Goddess, Mary Magdalene knew how to embody the light and the dark, how to harness the magic potency of sacred sexual energy, and how to cleanse, awaken, and resurrect the soul. Yet, even though she sparked the creation of a worldwide religion, her story and teachings have been forgotten.

Unveiling the lost left-hand path of the Magdalene, the Feminine Christ, authors Seren and Azra Bertrand explore how this underground stream of knowledge has been carried forward over the millennia through an unbroken lineage of Womb Shamans, Priestesses, Oracles, and Medicine Women. They explain how the Magdalene Mysteries, symbolized by the Rose, have been encoded in Gnostic codices and gospels and in the highest art, literature, and architecture of many ages, including most significantly the Ghent Altarpiece. They examine Mary Magdalene’s connection to moon wisdom, sacred harlot archetypes, and goddesses in many traditions, including Isis, Inanna, Asherah, Lilith, and Jezebel, and look at shamanic, tantric, and Cathar expressions of sacred feminine mysteries as well as the Witch and Templar roots of Robin Hood and Maid Marian.

In this revelatory and magical text on the lost feminine mystery traditions of Mary Magdalene and the lineage of Sophia, the authors present encompassing theological, historical, mythological, and archetypal wisdom, with rituals and practices to initiate you into the Womb magic of the ancient priestesses and the path of the wild feminine.

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Ariana Brackenbury

Ariana is a heart-centered mentor, pilgrimage facilitator and spiritual coach who is deeply dedicated to inspiring others to listen to the whispers of their heart and step more fully into what is calling.
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Ariana's mission is to be a catalyst for shifting the paradigms and beliefs that keep people from living the life of their dreams – especially during the last season of their life.

Throughout her life Ariana has been totally open to new experiences and has rolled with the punches by reinventing herself. From librarian to computer systems analyst and programmer, to marketing rep, to healer and singer of soul songs, Ariana is no stranger to transformation and change. After the death of her husband, the loss of her savings and home she rolled with the punches and set out on a 100 day pilgrimage journey including walking the 800 km Camino de Santiago. Following that pilgrimage, Ariana found herself challenged to the core as she was guided to shift from predominantly left brain careers to mentoring and leading spiritual pilgrimages.  She is passionate about the value of exploring sacred feminine principals and envisions a world where men and women live in harmony in a partnership model, each respecting the unique gifts and talents of the other.  

At 72 she continues to reinvent her life and is committed to inspiring others to do the same.

Ariana offers mentoring programs and spiritual pilgrimage journeys to those who want to live a more fulfilling life and discover a deeper connection to spirit and themselves.  Her intuitive wisdom and ability to recognize the patterns and behaviours that are limiting the journeys of her clients is a core part of her success in helping them step into a more authentic and powerful life. 

Ariana has led multiple Camino de Santiago pilgrimages and four Mary Magdalene pilgrimages in France.   Her next Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage is scheduled for September 2024.   

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